DevSpace Technical Conference 


North Alabama's Premier
Polyglot Technology Conference

September 9th & 10th, 2021

Date Published:

What is DevSpace

DevSpace is an annual developer's conference that takes place in Huntsville, Alabama. Fueled by extensive space and missile research and a vibrant, emerging start-up culture, Huntsville is a market poised and ready to burst onto the national stage.

Technological interests run the gamut of every language. As such, DevSpace aims to cater to this entire atmosphere. DevSpace wants to offer talks on a variety of languages, offering attendees the ability to improve their skills within their daily technology of choice and the ability to become familiar with new technologies. Combine this with non-technical talks on inter-personal skills and processes, DevSpace will provide an outstanding value to the attendees.

Call for Sponsors

Our call for sponsors is officially open. Head to the the sponsors page to get all the juicy details.

The Schedule is Live!

Our full schedule is live. You can view our list of sessions and stream times on the Sessions Page.